Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Respond to the 'Compliment Guys'

When I watched the YouTube video of Cameron Brown & Brett Westcott, I couldn't stop having a smile on my face. Everyone likes compliments and the way Cameron and Brett just went out with a sign and giving people compliments was just fantastic. It was also very nice how they just gave people compliments without asking for anything in return. I really think that giving your peers, your parents, your siblings, your teachers & any random stranger a compliment and you smile at them I believe its one of the best feelings. Another thing that the 'Compliment Guys' are doing is that they are showing people that if you say anything positive to anyone you will always get a smile back. I believe that in the outside world a lot of people are feeling stressed about jobs, reports & etc and when you have some people like the 'Compliment Guys' giving you a compliment it makes you feel so much better and it gives you a boost and you would want to give other people that. So if everyone keeps this up, the world can be such a great place to be.

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