Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That Crazy 13-Year Old

What type of learner are you? Well, you can determine what kind of a learner you are, through some tests. Why do you need to know this? Hah. That's the catch. A lot of kids around my school thought that finding out what kind of learner they are, wasn't that big of a deal. Later, they realized that it was.

It's important to know what kind of learner you are because there are two major things that can change your life. One being after you understand what kind of a learner you are you'll do much better in school or in life or being a successful person as you'll know what your strengths are and what you do to keep yourself from just crashing down. Two being you struggle in school or in life and you basically, shut yourself down when your under stress. Being under stress, that's another thing that we all have to be careful with.

I am a 'Profile L'. I know when you just read that you went 'What?' but let me explain. Profile L's are 'Gestalt' which means that my right hemisphere of my brain is the dominant hemisphere. You see, in class, I fiddle a lot and you won't find me just sitting there quietly unless I'm having problems but back to the main point, I fiddle A LOT. Teachers find it annoying and they tell me to stop but movement, that helps me understand and learn better. In Humanities, we have to summarize quite a bit of stuff and when I sit down and think, I can practically see the whole picture but when I try to chunk it down. That's when I struggle. If you see me in class, you see that I have trouble focusing, learning and thinking. This is because I like to socialize quite a bit and for me as a learner, I have to be sitting by myself without any distractions for me to be focusing. This causes me to get stressed and when I get stressed its not good especially for Profile L's. The stress causes difficulty functioning and my mind completely shuts down. Also, I prefer to jump ahead to conclusion. I don't like having to follow step-by-step instructions because that just seems stressful to me.

When I'm relaxed, movements come easily to me. It's kind of strange. It seems like my movements are saved in my brain and when I need to use them they come without me having to struggle. This occurs a lot when I'm swimming. I swim at least 4 times a week. I'm not that great of a swimmer but hey, I'm trying. Anyways, when I jump in the water and my coach yells out a workout to a certain stroke my body just automatically does it without a lot of effort. It's pretty cool.

Things that could help me learn better in class, are doing Kinesthetic activities to release stress and isolating myself to focus.

I would like my teachers to know this information as movement really is something that I need to be doing to help me process information and when I fiddle with something it doesn't mean I'm not focusing on what your trying to teach. Also, I think teachers should know that I am a learner which just doesn't like step by step instructions because I just seem to do whatever seems right to me.

Over all, that's what kind of a learner I am and that's all about ME!

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