Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Me, Swimming
Me and my dog Izzie
Me doing Flying Fox
My Good Pals
My Brother, Me and Izzie

Welcome to the blog of an eleven-year-old, who has a life laid out for her, an annoying yet AWESOME brother Sean, Loving parents, a cute dog, loves her friends, studies at a school which rocks, enjoys life, crazy about absolutely everything, loves laughing, acts crazy all the time, loves hanging out with friends, loves meeting new people, loves math and science and has AN AWESOME LIFE!

Hobbies are reading, swimming, rollerblading aka in line skating and doing wushu!

My goals I have set up for my self are :

1) Social Goal : To meet new people and be friends with EVERYBODY!
2) Academic Goal : To just do the best I can do in everything I do.

5 adjectives to describe myself are :-
  • funny
  • fun
  • crazy
  • simple
  • artistic
The books that I have read recently are Twilight and New Moon by Stephanie Meyer.

That's all I have to say now so bye!

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