Thursday, November 24, 2011


What is worth fighting for? I think freedom is one of the many things I think is worth fighting for. Freedom of speech, freedom of thinking and freedom of action in particular. So are all allowed to convey our thoughts and feelings, think the thoughts that we want to and be free to become and do whatever you want.

So much is expected in us kids. Especially the ‘now’ generation. We are expected to keep up with our grades, join activities, get a 4.0 GPA and have good recommendations. I think it’s important for the ‘now’ generation to have these three key aspects of freedom. A lot of times I listen to my friends complaining about how much pressure they’re under. They have to keep up with the A’s, play one or more instruments, theory exams and participate in sports and it’s not that they can’t do these things but sometimes it’s the fact they’re just not interested as they want to be. But my question is whether we should keep this up and just go through life or to convey and express our feelings to our parents. Although, some parents will force their kids to continue even if their kids express how uninterested they are. Is that right? I’m not sure. I’m torn between both worlds. On the parents side, they’re just concerned for their kid’s future but on the kid’s side, he’s just not interested so shouldn’t he have the freedom to choose?

Freedom of thoughts and feelings. For example, Aung San Suu Kyi. She was Burma’s leader and she fought for the freedom of her people but the Burmese government sentenced her to house arrest. I admire Aung San Suu Kyi as she fought for the freedom of thoughts and feelings of her people. On the day of her house arrest release, she took the time to listen to every person that had something to say to her. Aung San Suu Kyi has said that every person has the right to express their thoughts and feelings and they deserve to be heard. I believe that's one of the things that we all have to start doing. Listening. Listening to each other. We all listen to the media and yet sometimes, we let others feel hurt as they feel disconnected because nobody listens to them. Or it could just be the fact that people aren't accepting them. 

Freedom of action. I think this is important in any society. The ability to become and embrace who you truly are. For instance, ridiculed kids. Some kids find that they are 'gay' or 'homosexual' and we see that they are constantly ridiculed and labeled because of that. Is that right? I certainly don't think so. I think if it's not affecting you, just let it be and let them embrace who they really are. I'm don't have the best body in the whole entire world but I do try to keep it fit and looking good and embracing myself as a swimmer. I realize that you can't compare yourself to anyone else in the world. You know why? Because there's only one you and if you can't be yourself. You're cheating on yourself. Embrace people around you and don't label or ridicule someone. It hurts feelings.

Freedom of thoughts and feelings, action are all so important to our society. We're all talking about world peace and how we can achieve that. I think if we all play by the book we might eventually get there but for now, listen and embrace your differences and speak your mind. You should never feel judged or worried about who you are. You are free to speak your thoughts and feelings and act however you want to act. No one can bring you down.