Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Giver Blog Post

Would you want your future to be decided by others ? why or why not ?

I would not want other people to be decided by others. In the book 'Giver' the people in that community had to follow rules and each dwelling had the book which contained the rules which were to be followed which was called the 'Book Of Rules'. In our world, we have rules & laws that we have to follow but we have the freedom to make our own choices. Referring to the book 'The Giver' people in their community, had their choices made for them and if the people didn't like what they had been assigned to they just had to accept it. If other people chose your future for you, you will not understand what you shouldn't do and what you should do because you'll just be walking a path that other people made for you. If you were to make a path yourself that would be more interesting and if you are not happy with the path you have made for yourself you cant blame anyone else but yourself because that was the path YOU made for yourself. Also, when you have accomplished something, you'll be thankful to yourself and not to the person who chose for you to do it. When you grow up and look back at your past your going to be proud because its the path that YOU created. That is why I wouldn't want others to decide my future for me.