Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pictures Of My Friends And I

World Music - The Power Of The Void

The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides (silence) an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I find pausing after the word 'provides' kind of makes people think... provides what? It makes people wonder what the person is going to say and what does ISKL provide.

I find that if music composers put a void in the middle of their piece and start playing it loud again suddenly creates tension. Like, first playing the music really loud then pause and then loud again.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Snapshot! MY HOLIDAY!!!!~

The ride that we went on like a million times with new friends.
Enjoying the snow

Enjoying the Scenery

During the holidays my family and I went on a trip to China. It was very exciting and we all had a great time. We had so much fun that we made new friends.

One of the places that I really liked visiting was 'Happy Valley'. Happy Valley was like a version of Disneyland. It still had all the action and of course the feeling that you don't want to go home. As we were exploring the grounds of 'Happy Valley' we met a Singaporean family. They had lived in Shanghai for 5 years. They had 3 sons and a daughter. We enjoyed each others company and and particularly enjoyed the ride 'Spinning Saucer'. We were spinning like a saucer and being titled from side to side.

I also liked the tourist attraction 'Yu Yuan.' Yu Yuan was built in the Ming Dynasty and is a garden, surrounded by shopping. The garden was very beautiful. As it was winter, the garden didn't look very pretty because there were no flowers. One of the things that I observed about the garden was that the garden areas was separated by dragon walls. It was very beautiful and I am sure that it took a lot of work to do.

We also drove for 2 hours to reach Suzhou. Suzhou was filled with tons of sight seeing. The food was good too...

This is my little story from the holidays.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Reflection On The Life Of 12/12/97

Hola! I'm back after ummm 2 months? This time I'm back to talk about the past. I've made tons of great friends here at ISKL and the techers here are great.

A skill that I've learnt is to be organised and keep track of the work, my own personal rubbish and organise my room. A week ago, I looked at my room and I found it very messy. I started by taking out my old exercise books and textbooks and dumped them in the trash. Later, I started taking out my own personal rubbish and paper that I didn't use or paper that I just scribbled on. I'm still trying to sort things out and I hope that in the end all that work was worth it.

Challenges? Of course, everyone has some challenges. 1 of the challenges that I had and I am still working on it. I'm still trying to be successful in being a piano player. I want to get a distinction in my theory in Grade 5 and to play hard pieces. I am going to try harder and I am sure one day if I try I can be successful in my theory and my playing. Another challenge that I handled was to be on time for classes. It was difficult for me in the beginning of the year to get my locker open, get my stuff and be on time for my next class. It was difficult because my locker was very disorganized and I had a pretty stubborn lock but soon I organized my locker and I had no more troubles on getting on time to classes.

A skill that I want to learn is to write better, use better word choice and elaborate more. I would like to develop this skill because for the last few months, I have received comments on my work, that my teachers think that if I had this skill my writing would be much better. I keep getting comments like this 'Try to elaborate more and use better word choice.' And with that I want to develop this skill.

I have contributed to the 6th grade community positively by being nice to other people. Recently, a new boy couldn't open his locker. He even asked his sister to come help him but they still couldn't open it. So I went over and asked whether I could help them and after a few spins on the lock I opened it. They thanked me and I said, "No problem."

2 goals that I have set up for myself for the new year is to one, be organized, stay organized and live organized. The steps I need to reach this goal is to always clean up after myself. If I don't need a piece of paper I will put it in the recycling bin. My second goal is to keep all my grades up to at least a B. The steps I will need to do to reach this goal is to one, pay attention in class and two, make sure my work is done with all my ability.