Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An experience never forgotten....

Bump. Bump. Bump....... My heart was racing as fast as lightning. The day had finally came. The day that the teachers will reveal our results for the SATs. All this time, we have been studying, going to extra classes and well STUDYING EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!!! People were moaning but we looked at it this way. It's for own good and if we didn't study and we didn't get good results we would be disappointing ourselves plus these results will stick to our school records. FOREVER!

Day after day, rushing here and there. The classroom was filled with the sound of flipping pages of textbooks.

Finally, the day arrived, we sat in the halls of the Year 5 classrooms. Bump. Bump. Bump..... My heart was racing. The teachers wished us all good luck and calmed us. 3 days, sitting in the hallways were kinda hard. Excited to finish and nervous about the results....

Now, it was our class party. We were all having fun. Suddenly, Imeel came rushing and said,"Ms Noor is calling all of us! HURRY!!!!!" We were all so shocked. We ran and the teachers asked us to line up in the two classes 6R and 6S. I was one of the 5 first people to go in. People would say that room was the room of TERROR since it uncovered and revealed our results. Ru Bee was in front of me. We were both really excited and nervous. Time flew by, so far 1 person Amatullah got 3 level 5's.

Ru Bee and I were calming each other down. Soon the room called for Ru Bee. Now I was so nervous. Soon, she came out screaming, " I GOT 3 LEVEL 5'S!!!!!!!" I said, "Congratulations!"

Now the room of TERROR called for me. I went in. Ms Chalcraft(the headmistress) asked me,"How do you think you did. Are you ready?" I said, "Yes!" She said," Congratulations! You got three level 5's!!" I was so happy. What I did was thank her and I ran out and I screamed, "I GOT 3 LEVEL 5'S!!!!!!!!!." Everyone came over and congratulated me.

Hannah, Sarah, Michelle and Marissa got three level 5's too. Sadly, Mukesh, Sam and Sally didn't get three level 5's. Yeah, they were sad but they said the tried their best and that's what really counts!!!

I told my mom and she was very happy and most of all I felt really proud of myself until today.

Picture links :-
Don't give up :
Work hard & be nice to people :